Last week I introduced my new series “Behind the Brand”, a conversation where I will be opening up my platform to discuss more of what is really behind the post and brand. I want to give you the ins and outs of HK and how I got to where I am today. By sharing my entrepreneurial journey with you, I hope that it will help guide you to curate your own. I want to share the in’s and out’s of the bizz because let’s be honest it is 99% biz and 1% the photo you see. There are so many parts and pieces that go into creating a brand, a blog, and platform. There are also so many ways to monetize your brand these days and a ton of angles you can take to get there. I want to share what goes on behind the scenes to educate, inform and increase authenticity! (My fave). I will share personal and universal entrepreneurial strategies and discuss the behind the scenes of the industry and everything that goes into a post! SO, with that said let’s start off with my secret sauce.
What’s Your Sauce Sauce?
This is a question I get asked all the time and to be completely honest there really is no single path to success in this industry. And while there’s no secret sauce that I can bottle up and sell, there are some “kitchen staples” that I use constantly. So what’s the recipe? Check it out below!
A pinch of persistence- when someone tells you “no,” it doesn’t mean no forever and that you should stop trying.
A sprinkle of kindness- There is nothing people will remember more if you are unkind to them
A generous tablespoon of authenticity- always strive to be uniquely and honestly YOU. You are your best asset.
A dash of failure as fuel- If someone says they can’t work with you because of X, use that as a way to drive yourself to do better. Light your own fire!
Out of an ingredient? Think about your neighbors and how they could help. Networking is key. One person leads to another and BOOM look at that --they have that “sugar” you need to borrow.
Feeling like the recipe needs a bit more of something? Trust your gut! Listen to your instincts because you always know yourself and your brand the best!
X kt